
Bulk Email Price List

Prices of various email marketing services

Prices($) Number of emails sent to public e-mail services
5 5.000 1
9 10.000 2
20 25.000 3
30 50.000 4
50 100.000 5
75 200.000 6
100 500.000 7
150 1.000.000 8
200 2.000.000 9
350 4.000.000 10

Specialized e-mail of special companies and groups. (Suitable for your job and work, dear customer):


Number of emails sent to specialized e-mail services
20 10.000 11
50 50.000 12
75 100.000 13
150 200.000 14

The second method of payment: (based on opened or read emails)

In this innovative method, according to the needs of our esteemed customers, in order to ensure the efficiency of advertising costs and to observe the objective feedback of the work, “Our Group” has launched advertisements by e-mail based on direct charge.

In this method, unlike the method of sending emails, the received fee is calculated based on the emails read.

In this way, according to the table below, you, the esteemed customer, will benefit from a discount on the viewing price of each email based on the amount paid to us. After sending the e-mail by us and reaching the e-mail to the group of people and opening your promotional e-mail and reading your e-mail in full, your credit will be deducted equal to the contract fee.

In this way, you ensure the effectiveness of your advertising effectively and usefully, and this is the targeted advertising of your product or service.

By placing the appropriate counter on the email template, you will be able to see the number of open emails and general statistics at any time.

You will also be given access to the email marketing panel to monitor the workflow, and you can see the list of opened email addresses and the date and time the emails were read.

Number of open emails provided according to the panel report The cost of opening an e-mail is reduced from the initial charge Initial charge (US dollars) services
500 0.1 $ 50 15
1250 0.08 $ 100 16
2857 0.07 $ 200 17
10.000 0.05 $ 500 18
25.000 0.04 $ 1000 19
100.000 0.02 $ 2000 20

Description of email marketing price table based on open email:

In services 15 to 20, the only cost paid by the customer is the amount of the initial charge

The fee for each opened email (USD) is reduced to provide the required number of read emails in a certain period of time that has been agreed.

For more information, please contact us